[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Apr 19 22:05:44 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
> I don't want to be the devil's advocate, but it appears that's where my head
> is today.

It's the best place to be.

> Let's say all the details get worked out, and this goes forward.  Then let's
> say it's highly successful. 100's of installs done.  Then let's say everyone
> gets 2.0.x installed, and a month later 2.1 is released.  These people come
> back and ask about assistance upgrading.  Will that be done through the
> forums, in essence teaching them how to do what was done for them?  Or does
> the upgrade get done for them?  Let's assume for a minute 2.1 is upgraded
> for them.  4 days later, a security issue arrises, and 2.1.1 is released.
>   See where I'm going with this?

This issue was raised at #meetup.
I do not think we should support upgrades.

I think we should only offer installations. That is where we have the 
most requests but the least specific help. What I mean is when an 
upgrade comes along there is usually a long thread which can be used and 
pointers elsewhere. We are simply offering to get the code in and get it 
running. The user has to take responsibility for their code at some 
point - if they really do needs constant support then they should be 
looking at wp.com. (We need to be clear that we do not do imports too.)

However .... we are also going to have to be crystal clear that while 
what we do is free, their hosting, domain name etc etc etc is NOT free.
That is our barrier to entry - them first getting a domain, getting a 
hosting deal and then not using Fantastico.

I have no idea what sort of demand this would bring in, I am sure we 
would get the impossible asked, I have absolutely no idea where in the 
end this would/will/shall lead.

If we can plug the holes that we should be able to find then we have a 
service. If we cannot, we do not. I do think it's doable though..


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