[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Apr 19 17:48:07 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> Interesting idea:
> Flaw - you said it yourself: someone less than desirable could jump in.
> Possible solution: wp-install mailing list. Only those "approved" and 
> "trustworthy" can subscribe to it. When some one needs an install done, 
> a message is sent on the list, and some one responds with the "I'll do 
> it".... then they contact the user off-line from the forums.
> If a post is found on the forums requesting info, then a mod could 
> forward it to the list and remove the posting (or reply with a note 
> saying that the wp-install list has been contacted and someone will be 
> able to help them out. Either way, the thread is then closed.

I think that's getting there. It's not who sees the response, but who 
responds to the user - and how do they know that it's you? While I doubt 
someone is going to start fiddling with email details the problem I see 
is that the user will be so grateful that they just hand it all over. So 
how do we make them check us?

> The question is.... how to determine who is A&T enough to be on the 
> list? Who makes that determination?

I could name a dozen forum people who I would trust with my login info. 
The point is true though - but in the end this is about doing something 
for nothing, getting the odd follow-on email regardless and also not 
using the trust to sell. So it's a 'give but not take' position. But as 
for who decides? We do. We have to.

I don't quite know the 'how' of all this but I've pondered it on and off 
for ages. It must be doable and the combined brains on this list must be 
able to work it out :)


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