[wp-forums] wp.com

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Sep 21 19:59:01 GMT 2005

Lorelle VanFossen wrote:
> We need to know so we can all prepare.
There's not a whole lot to do is there ? have blog / knowledge and am 
happy to help. Job done :)

 > I'd
> really hate to have user support segregated since so much of the support 
> will be redundant.

I disagree. Right now, a .com user would have to trawl the forums and 
would get mightily confused. Likewise, a .org user could see a .com 
answer and be led to think something that was not applicable.

Also, a .com forum would be an /extremely/ valuable resource all on it's 
own to anyone wanting to use that hosting model. Go mixing all those 
answers into the general swirl and you dilute it beyond use.

And .... if it was 'just another forum' it would do nothing to encourage 
new people in to help.

.com forums on their own site gets my vote.


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