[wp-forums] A sidebar suggestion

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Sep 2 23:23:51 GMT 2005

How about in that sidebar, under the search box, we have a list of other 
main WP international sites ? Not blogs, but main hubs of activity ?

Why ?
Because people may land on WP.org first and if they do, we are already 
not helping them find their nationality - we are assuming they can read 
English to find codex, then the localisation page.

Because it will help to show that WP is not just an anglicised product. 
Although we don't get a lot of people posting for help, that isn't to 
say there are not a lot of people looking. Some posters don't actually 
get helped as much as they maybe should even when it's painfully obvious 
that the English is not their first language - and it must be fairly 
daunting to post to our forums. If you are in any doubt, head to any 
non-English forum and post a basic question - you will not feel 
comfortable doing so.

Because it will make the forums more usable for those users.

Because I'd love to see that prime real estate used for something other 
than contrast :)

Because it would be good for WP.

Because it's possible.

If not, then what would be the feeling about a sticky list ?


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