[wp-forums] Forum makeover

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Nov 9 08:41:39 GMT 2005

Michael B wrote:
>   I understand tags basically replace that issue, but few too many
> threads have tags, and my call a few months back to blitz the forum  and
> add tags, and add "resolved" to threads went basically unanswered,
> likewise, many new to WP and blogs simply don't understand the concept,
> therefore don't use it.

I tried - honestly :)
I spend more of my time deleting inappropriate tags actually - the ones
where they have pasted their question in there.


Matt wrote:
> - that WE make a list of what is and is not acceptable in each forum.

"IMO this will never be quite right. The forums themselves are pretty
much useless, they're too broad for really browsing and if you're brand
new there's a strong cognitive barrier to figuring out where your post
should go. This was what tagging was supposed to address, eventually I'd
like for there to be no forums at all. "

I think tagging will take a very long time to take off, but I can see
why the doubt about what should go where. It really is a huge topic.
That said, I like Vicki's suggestion of Acceptable / Marginal /
Unacceptable. If nothing else because we must tell people what to expect
before they craft their question and build their hopes up. I also
completely agree about Adsense (always have actually).


TG wrote:
"Quite honestly, I'm surprised the powers that be allowed WP.com to get
as big as it has w/o making sure there was an adequate support system in
place. "

I can see why there hasn't been any - why put support into place for
what essentially is a "take it or leave it" system. I also don't think
that support forums would be that busy after an initial rush. When Matt
sets them up though I'll happily wander over and help out :)


Closing threads / pointing elsewhere / tagging are all issues that can
be addressed and I have ideas in that direction.


One thing that we in the forums will need is support. When we make this
change there will be LOTS of flak thrown at us. And as much as we may be
able to sit back and try not to take it personally, it's going to hurt
at times. When this happens, support from anyone and everyone will be
more than welcome. We also do not need any in-fighting, so if there are
lurkers reading this who disagree, it would be appreciated if you say so
now and we can discuss issues here.


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