[wp-forums] State of play

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Nov 6 23:42:43 GMT 2005

In the forums, I am fed up with:
- the people wanting help who are OBVIOUS sploggers
- the people wanting gallery help
- the people who are expecting instant help
- the people who expect perfection, instantly, thereandthen
- the people who want support for NON-wp code in various guises
and yet if I posted "Sorry ever so much but that's not WP code" I'd be
screamed at.

The forums have changed hugely in the last 6 months haven't they ?
Expectations from posters has shot up, yet the number of forum helpers
has remained fairly static if not decreased in certain quarters.

So, given previous posts - and if you name names then you should reveal
your forum identity - what the hell do we do about it ?
And 1.6 is just around the corner (or is that support all sorted ?)


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