[wp-forums] Promotions

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Jun 30 20:08:23 GMT 2005

Peter Westwood wrote:
>>Should we have a different 'level' ? (Note this would have coding
>>implications I'm sure which I know zip about)
> Adding lots of levels probably doesn't help.  I don't think phpbb/other bb style levels based on post count/other
> factors really help.
> However maybe a level for Plugin Devs??? / People who are setup on dev.wp-plugins.org to have svn access?

I can't see what this would achieve ? Potentially, someone could answer 
2000 forum posts, yet someome else writes a plugin and in the forums 
they are accorded a different status even though they may have answered 
nothing. Seems a touch unfair.

>>What do we gain from having more ?
>>If we do, how do we 'award' it ?
> However it is awarded should to be documented somewhere - codex article maybe - even if its just something like:
> "Maven's on the support forum are wordpress community members that monitor the forums and try to answer common
> questions."

I feel something more tightly worded would be necessary.

>>I certainly think there are helpers who deserve a formal
>>acknowledgement, but equally, having a dozen mavens ? Does that help ?
>>What are the positives and negatives of a more formal support helper
>>structure ? (And I know I'll be called elitist by someone at some time
>>for this...)
> Maybe we can give people extra perms without making it visible that they have them - ie not calling the Mavens?

I'm not sure what this means ....


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