[wp-forums] Promotions

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Jun 30 16:58:50 GMT 2005

In the forums, the people with additional 'rights' are Matt, Ryan, 
Carthik, Skippy and myself.
The rights of a Maven extend to being able to edit / delete any post, 
edit the thread title, close/re-open topics. The expectations of Mavens 
is sometimes higher....

As Matt said in #wordpress-meetup: ""support mavens" on the forum are 
people who help out a ton and are suggested by podz to be mods"
Should we have more Mavens ?
Should we have a different 'level' ? (Note this would have coding 
implications I'm sure which I know zip about)
What do we gain from having more ?
If we do, how do we 'award' it ?

I certainly think there are helpers who deserve a formal 
acknowledgement, but equally, having a dozen mavens ? Does that help ? 
What are the positives and negatives of a more formal support helper 
structure ? (And I know I'll be called elitist by someone at some time 
for this...)

This is not about the recent security issue posting - they are very 
rare. I'm talking generally.


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