[wp-forums] Purpose of the list

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Jun 30 16:23:03 GMT 2005

For the sake of hopefully saying this once and it being a useful post to 
later direct people at, here's my thoughts about the wp-forums list.

What it is not:
- a way for people to get support. Every single support request, no 
matter how simple, is to be directed to the forums.
- for people to whinge, moan and campaign for bbPress to be replaced. It 
is here and it's staying here.

What it is:
- somewhere for forum supporters to get support
- somewhere to share ideas about forum development and if and when we 
all decide something is worth pursuing, we can then approach whoever can 
help us make it happen.
- somewhere to identify where docs are needed if we keep getting similar 
- somewhere to promote the integration of Codex into the forums
- somewhere to discuss common approaches to issues
- somewhere that we can help and encourage others to join in answering 
posts. This is important. There are relatively few of us compared to the 
traffic and some people may wish to help but feel overawed at current 
helpers or be afraid their help will be dismissed in some way. We cannot 
get all elite about what we do but we do need to be sure that 
information given out is correct.

Like any project, I would listen more to someone who has contributed 
positively to WordPress rather than someone who just sits on the 
sidelines and snipes - hopefully we will not have such mails.

This list is also time-limited. Once it becomes stale, it will be axed. 
There is no point having a busy forum and a quiet list.

And lastly, everyone here that has helped has an equal voice. I'm 
certainly not out to give things a blessing or not. This is not about 
anything but encouraging debates and involvement which improve the 
support we offer to those that seek it.


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