[wp-forums] not sure how to title this

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Jul 26 08:39:32 GMT 2005

Michael B wrote:
> I didn't think the forum was the correct place to discuss this, and 
> perhaps I am once again over stepping my bounds, but I have an issue 
> with this thread:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/40156
> I know there's been much discussion about the practice, and that's not 
> what I'm talking about, what I'm talking about is the fact that the 
> blanket answer was buy my product, in the support forums.
>   Is that an invitation to anyone to put up a shingle offering paid 
> "support" and offering up a link in the forums?  Or am I over reacting?

I don't think you are over-reacting, and I think an email to Denis (as I 
see matt has suggested) is very much in order - he can be beaten on 
price every single time and I do not think it's right that anyone 'sell' 
through the forums at all. If someone's sole presence is to sell - and 
maybe answer a few questions - that that annoys me.

On a side note - seeing as I'm here - I've noticed a rise in people 
posting in the forums purely to get google juice. There have been a 
number of single posts asking for help which have always been tagged 
onto existing threads (thinking we make not notice maybe ?) and on 
checking the link there is no problem. Right now, if I'm in #wordpress 
I'm asking for a bit of advice then deleting them. We cannot be known as 
somewhere to do this.
In a similar vein, I've noticed certain posters doing this too - and I'm 
sure the reason is not so much linkage for the use of people as much as 
for the bots. I won't claim to know enough about bots and PR, but this 
is something that's been noticed and I will edit accordingly. Thinking 
about it now, what I will do in the future is break the direct link but 
leave the address intact. Thoughts ?

Matt - you or me do the email ?


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