[wp-forums] New plugin for admin searches codex and forum

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Wed Jul 20 23:32:49 GMT 2005

Wow.  http://blog.jalenack.com/archives/codex-search-plugin/ Jalenack 
and Ringmaster have come up with an amazing plugin and we all get to be 
the beta testers for it over the next week.

It creates a search box at the top of the Administration Panels that 
allows searching of the Codex and Forums. The Codex articles are listed 
at the top of the list and the forum posts at the bottom, to disguish 
between "official" docs and forum help.  WOW.

Check it out, run it through as many paces and systems as you can and 
report to Jalenack's website to leave comments and bug reports.  There 
have been attempts before to do this but this one really ties it all 
together.  I hope it will bring new meaning to "Search First" and really 
benefit users, connecting them right away with documentation and help.


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