[wp-forums] Titles/Promotions/Labels

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Tue Jul 12 10:48:21 GMT 2005

Peter Westwood wrote:
> Maybe we need to step back for a second and identify what the *problem* 
> is that we are trying to solve by introducing this title.
> Is there a *problem* at all?
> If we are just trying to recognise people for there contributions then 
> this is possibly the kind of thing, like a visible post count, which 
> leads to the kind of problems Kaf if alluding to.

It's that; but it's also an attempt to have a sustainable, relatively 
neutral system for identifying users who are reputable.

The value of a reputation system is that new users can better choose 
which answers to trust: the "experts" are identified as such, without a 
new user being required to monitor the forums for days/weeks to see the 
same participants answering correctly again and again.

What individuals do with this reputation is beyond our control.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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