[wp-forums] Old and Tired

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 06:00:34 GMT 2005

On 12/29/05, Scott Merrill <skippy at skippy.net> wrote:
> This post from MacManX highlights a very important point:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/53579?replies=9#post-293327
> A question that's been asked a thousand times in the forums in the last
> two years is still a new question to the person who asked it for the
> first time.
> MacManX: I'm not chiding you, and I'm not saying that you did anything
> wrong!  I was going to send you a private note, then deciced that this
> could be a learning opportunity for all of us.
> *We* know why phpBB isn't used, and we're all sick and tired of
> rehashing the same argument(s) with new opponents every couple of
> months.  But the OP didn't know, and will never know until he asks (or
> searches).  I _completely_ share your exasperation, but it's something
> we're going to live with forever (just like top-posting email replies!).
> May I suggest that in the future we either link to an authoritative post
> on this issue, or just answer with "Because we use bbPress.  Full stop."
> Cheers,
> Scott

Since the search field was broken for quite some time, there were many
"old and tired" moments for all of us.  Unfortunately, that poster got
the brunt of my frustrations for the evening, not only because I had
spent 90% of my day answering the same question more than once, but
also because I am just sick and tired of seeing people who hardly use
the forums stop by and ask, "Why don't you use phpBB?"  It's just like
those individuals who have the nerve to post things like, "Why doesn't
WordPress run on PostgreSQL?  How hard can it be?"

"Release time" is the hardest time for any support volunteer.  It's a
time full of people who ask FAQs without searching, people who hijack
threads, and people who can't tell the difference between an FTP
client and a slice of warm ciabatta bread.  With that said, it's a
very frustrating time for all of us.

As one who frequently "looses his cool", I would just like to say that
we should all take Scott's advice.  Most of these users don't know how
much they frustrate us at times, but that doesn't mean that we have to
tell them about it.  Granted, we aren't here to hold their hands while
they walk through the door, but we should at least tell them how to
get to the door, and if you're feeling generous, you may want to tell
them how to open the door too.

James Huff (MacManX)
MacMerc Contributing Editor

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