[wp-forums] Christmas

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Tue Dec 20 21:28:52 GMT 2005

Not that it matters much (as I am clueless about 2.0) but I start 
vacation Thurs and won't be available for a solid week.
So I guess that counts me out.


Podz wrote:

>Posted to Hackers & Forums:
>I know that there has been an announcement, but if 2.0 does come out
>tomorrow / Thursday, then just who is going to be around for all the
>problems ? You can guarantee it will be a lot less than normal.
>I can see that pushing it out the door means no more coding over the
>holidays, but it means more problems and more work for everyone else.
>This is surely the ideal time to freeze - and I do mean freeze - the code.
>Who IS going to be around to help out ?
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