[wp-forums] Preping Forums for 2.0 Release

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Tue Dec 20 00:02:08 GMT 2005

Vicki Frei wrote:
>> So be sure to tell everyone to make /wp-content/ writable.
> Is this a "you HAVE to do this"?  I have NO intention of using the wp
> backup utility personally, I manage just fine the "real" way.  So if I
> don't want to use it, I can leave the wp-content folder 644?

If you're not going to use the backup plugin, then you don't need to
twiddle permissions.

If you do want to use the backup plugin, you need to make /wp-content/
writable.  It needs to be writable so that the backup plugin can create
the pseudo-random directory.

If you would like to voice your opinion on this, here's the ticket:

Matt casts doubt on the validity of the "Hardening WordPress" Codex
page, specifically the file permissions section.  I wrote that bit, and
I stand by my recommendations.  I think that /wp-content/ should be a
container directory in which writable directories exist.

It's doubtful we'll make any changes this close to release, but we'll
never know until we try.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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