[wp-forums] FAQ's again

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Dec 6 00:14:45 GMT 2005

Feel very free to edit the actual first post in the thread.
While lots of items can cover lots of things, my thoughts are that
people will not scan page after page. The first page of a thread holds
30 posts. But just the first two posts in that thread could hold 30
items each. Not saying we should of course, but I think concentrated
information is better.
And if there is a better style within the limitations we've got, go for
it. If there are better answers, edit. If something gets superceded, edit.

What I actually do not want are codex links all over the place - it's
rare that you can home directly in on a codex topic that helps directly
and Codex is linked from many places (like every WP blog). What is not
linked is all the gold that is in the forums.

And like TG suggested, slap those FAQ tags where needed.


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