[wp-forums] beginnings of an epidemic

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Sat Dec 3 01:10:59 GMT 2005

Vicki Frei wrote:
> Now have the third thread on the porn popup situation.
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/51009
> Do we have ANY idea what's a good starting point for this?

The lack of clarifying information makes this extremely difficult to
resolve.  We need to establish a comprehensive list of questions which
will help us track down all the necessary bits, and hopefully help the
user coordinate with their host better.

* Hosting provider
* WordPress version
* WordPress plugins
* PHP version
* MySQL version
* Apache (or IIS) version
(For the three previous, we also need to know whether it's the
distribution's stock binary package, or a customized installation)
* PHP module or CGI?

what else?

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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