[wp-forums] Possibly when not to reply

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Aug 27 14:18:43 GMT 2005

ifelse wrote:
> He was wrong but replying to him only served to give him more
> exposure, ammo and increased his indignation. I can empathise with the
> frustration felt with this guy but I don't think responding to him did
> anyone any good.

I responded because:
- he has had a /phenomenal/ amount of support around one issue
- he has singularly failed to acknowledge or thank people for their efforts
- by posting what he did, he did a huge disservice to every single 
person who /has/ taken time to repeatedly answer his posts
- because his blog post was an attack on US in the forums and again 
there he fails to say Thank You to /anyone/ who has previously helped
- because I wanted people to see that he HAD been given the info and 
that HE had chosen not to see it simply because it has not been 
delivered in the approriate manner for his consideration
- because to simply close that thread would imply he was right and would 
protect him from forum members who can see that he is very very plainly 

I have every confidence he will be back, inside of a couple of weeks, 
bleating that those nasty people are saying nasty things on his blog.

We may all work away in the forums and be pleased with a 'Thank You' if 
that arrives, but I'm not sitting back and putting up with an affront to 
everyone who takes their free time and gives it in the forums.

I actually think he's got away lightly.
If he posts again to that thread, I will delete it and close it.


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