Re: [wp-forums] Maven abilities

tg at tg at
Tue Aug 23 16:20:02 GMT 2005

Podz <podz at> wrote on 08/23/2005, 05:48:58 PM:
> Here is the current list of what Mavens can do:
> Forum :
> - edit a post by anyone else (but not other mavens)
> - delete any post
Including that of another Maven? OR is that the same as an Edit?

> - delete an entire topic
> - close any topic
> - sticky any post to the top of a single forum
> - supersticky a post to the top of the front page (untried)
> - move posts to another forum
> - change the 'This topic is..resolved / not resolved'
I'm wondering if this is something that the OP could have access to.
After in reality, they are the only one who can truly say if something
is resolved or not. - Scratch that, I see it's already there.

> - remove tags from posts
> - remove tags altogether
> - see deleted topics
> - see deleted posts
How does that work? Does "deleted" not really mean "deleted?"
Depends on what your definition of "is" is.

> Users :
At first I thought this meant this is what users (members) would be able
to do! I realize now, that's not the case.

> - allow members to post faster than the automatic throttle of once every 
> 30 seconds
> - render members 'Inactive'. They can look, but not post.
> - render members 'Blocked'. They will see an error message when trying 
> to access the forums.
> - delete a member
> - edit any members profile
> - promote users
> **As of me typing this, ALL the 'Users' points are untried.**
> **All the above is subject to change**
> Superstickies - I see these as for rare use only. I originally requested 
> them because we would have Codex disappear and the forums would fill 
> with people kindly letting us know, before that it was the dashboards 
> breaking. So while they can also serve as a "Upgrade - Security Issue", 
> I see them as being used to stop the forums being filled with repeat 
> posts. I have no idea if they are styled differently, but I would 
> emphasise the rare use - if there is always one there, people will 
> become blind to it. It needs to be there for a specific purpose and for 
> the shortest time.
I agree, they should be used sparingly and only in extreme cases. I'd
like to see them styled another color on the front page to draw
attention to them (yellow maybe?)

> Throttling - that is there purely to stop the sort of spam we had last 
> night, and not to stop us whacking out answers nice and fast. Unless 
> there are objections I'm happy to work through and allow as many regular 
> users to bypass that limit.
> As for the 'Inactive' and 'Blocked', they are there for the spammers - 
> or maybe if someone started posting particularly nasty stuff.
> Editing a profile I can only see being used to remove a url to a suspect 
> non-wp site. (Should it be clearer that on registering any link MUST 
> point to a WP site ?). I'm not sure if there is a way to indicate a 
> profile has been moderated ? or could I write [URL Removed] ? I'll have 
> to play quietly later.
I'm not sure that the profile MUST link to a WP site. It also depends on
how you read that too. Some people may have WP on their site, but it
may be part of a larger site. Would the requirement be that it point
directly to the WP installation? Or should it be that the member has WP
*somewhere* on their site? Then again, also, some people have WP on an
Intranet, which isn't publicly available. OR they are still testing it
and don't have the public version up yet. Or they could be in the
process of moving from one system to another ..... OK, granted that the
URL cna be changed by the user after the fact, but .... eh.... I don't
know, I may be going on about something that might be a non-issue. 

PS: Who is going to monitor these links? Or is it going to be on a "as
they are caught" case-by-case basis?

> I've said before that I see the role of mavens as being quiet and 
> unnoticed. If you don't see disruption and there are no complaints then 
> hopefully it's a job being done well. I see the above changes as being 
> useful for this purpose.
> Thoughts / comments / suggestions / rules of engagement ?
> P.
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