[wp-forums] Search - nicely hidden...

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Aug 23 13:59:28 GMT 2005

I think the biggest improvement we had for users searching was the 
"Before posting a new topic, be sure to search to see if one has been 
started already." addition above the post area. Given the existence of 
that, I can see why the Search box is where it is.

That of course renders obsolete and empty the sidebar - I would suggest 
that either:
- the tags list go there
- the sidebar is reduced in width by 50% to give a greater width for the 

Tags - I'm actaully finding them useful to home in on topics. Rather 
than just scan for no-replies, or trying to decipher thread titles, it's 
quite nice to click on a tag and just concentrate on those issues. For 
instance Installation I will read, whereas Calendar or Gallery I will 
stay away from. Page views for the /support/tags/* would be interesting 
and while I can see Matt's goal of eventually having a 'tag-lead' forum, 
my feeling is that as it's a fairly new way of looking / searching then 
the very people who will be seeking help are just those for whom a 
departure from what they expect may not work.
Maybe if they were in the sidebar, with a small heading text ?, the 
visual contrast might help ?


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