[wp-forums] 1.5.2

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Mon Aug 15 12:33:18 GMT 2005

1.5.2 has been released. Here is the information we need to know and as 
soon as the Codex is back working, we will be adding the version changes 
info and updating the upgrade page.

Upgrade Instructions: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/41866

List of specific changes and upgrades to the version: 

Zipped file of ONLY the changed files for the upgrade: 

Remember, running install.php or upgrade.php is NOT required for this 
upgrade. Just delete old files and upload new.

If upgrading from a version older than (can we have verification 
here?), DO NOT do a partial upgrade but an all files upgrade.


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