Hello all,<br><br>Are you using BuddyPress or thinking of using this "social network in a box" tool for your campus site?<br><br>You won't want to miss the first-of-its-kind BuddyCamp Vancouver being held at BCIT Burnaby Campus on Oct. 14th and 15th, 2012. Oct. 14th will be presentations from some excellent speakers including a number of the BuddyPress core contributors and a number of speakers using BuddyPress innovatively in education. Oct. 15th will be a Hack Day with both opportunities for developers and non-developers to participate. The non-developer track will focus on BuddyPress documentation or a beginners guide to BuddyPress.<br>
<br>For more info:<br><a href="http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/">http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/</a><br><br>We also still have a few slots available for speakers so if you are passionate about BuddyPress and would like to participate as a speaker, we would love to hear from you. Please see our Call for Speakers page.<br>
<a href="http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/call-for-speakers/">http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/call-for-speakers/</a><br><br>Finally, if your school has benefited from BuddyPress, maybe you could consider being a sponsor for this not-for-profit, WordPress Foundation supported event:<br>
<a href="http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/sponsors/">http://2012.vancouver.buddypress.org/sponsors/</a><br><br>Note: There will also be WordCamp Vancouver taking place on Oct. 13th, the day before BuddyCamp. It will include a user and developer track. <a href="http://2012.vancouver.wordcamp.org/">http://2012.vancouver.wordcamp.org/</a> You could have three days of WordPress/BuddyPress awesomeness!<br>
<br>Finally, many of you may know already this year's Open Education Conference will be taking place in Vancouver from Oct. 16th to 18th so another great event you may want to check out and perhaps combine with WordCamp and BuddyCamp: <br>
<a href="http://openedconference.org/2012/">http://openedconference.org/2012/</a><br><br>Thanks,<br>Cyri<br>Faculty,<br>School of Business<br>BCIT<br>604-783-8601<br><br>