All,<br><br>Impressed by and grateful for all the thoughtful responses to my query about getting acceptance for a WordPress instance on campus. Very useful advice and important cautionary tales.<br><br>More specifically, it helps me situate my university in that context. In some ways, resistance is less rigid than in some of your cases. Key people are trying to listen to all of these arguments, and they are open to some initiatives. At the same time, there's a chilling effect related to fears about potential legal issues which not only creates distortion in the conversation but makes it difficult to integrate social media projects with other activities.<br>
<br>And social media is really what we're talking about, in our case. Not only blogs, podcasts, and microblogging, but social networking, user-generated content, and even “cloud computing”. WP can help with all of these but the fears come from issues with commercial services.<br>
And this where things take an interesting turn.<br>Many people at the university are using a variety of social media services. At our institution, people are struggling with policies and guidelines to adopt, in order to prevent all sorts of issues having to do with privacy, copyright, branding, security, etc. While there are diverse initiatives to use social media in relation to university work (including community outreach, teaching, and research), the “official word” tends to be that proper authorities should be notified. Obviously, nobody has a way to monitor what members of the university community are doing on Twitter, Facebook, or even…<br>
And we happen to be a community-oriented institution. It‘d make so much sense to connect with the local community through social media!<br>Now, the search for a university-wide CMS allegedly does include several things about social media. But it‘ll be a long process and it‘s one which doesn‘t really involve members of the community.<br>
This is probably where I‘m not framing the issue properly. As diverse people have explained, getting a WP instance on campus should probably start from a modest initiative. With some technical support (I‘m not skilled or credentialed enough to do much), individual initiatives could work well and eventually spread more broadly.<br>
<br>We‘ll see how things go.<br><br>In the meantime, very sincere thanks for all your help. Further proof that the WP community is friendly and helpful. Honestly, I‘m touched.<br><br><br clear="all">--<br>Alex Enkerli<br>
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