I have thought this through a bit more and want to make a final communication, for my own sense of closure.<br><br>First I am sorry for being an asshole. I am also sorry that this communication has been less fun than it ought to be. I take full responsibility for that.<br>
<br>I do however want my proposal on the table without ambiguity. <br><br>My proposal is to merge my free documentation at <a href="http://wpacademy.tv/ww3.htm">http://wpacademy.tv/ww3.htm</a> into the Codex, including videos. In other words take the best of both, would need some re-organization of table of contents (including new chapter "Quick Start"), and redoing my video title slides (or shooting new). It's a lot of work, but in the dozens of hours (as opposed to the hundreds of hours that have gone into this already). Work for you guys too of course. But not overwhelming. More work for me really (unless somebody wants to take on the videos, I know many of you do videos)<br>
<br>This system would need meet the following requirements (same requirements as any professional documentation system)<br>1) Both procedural (tutorials) and reference sections<br>2) Video<br>3) Context-sensitive help inside the dashboard (ie the "Edit post" page link to help topic, the Visual editor links to help topic etc)<br>
4) [optional but highly recommended] Expanding/collapsing table of contents, Index and Search functions inside the documentation<br><br>That's it. I understand if that is not a priority, I understand this is not the vision you have, and if its not your way of working (meritocracy etc). I just ask that you accept my seriousness and good intentions, and forgive the asshole parts. Communications so far have been clear this is not your redirection, its fine, but if that should change let me know.<br>
<br>For the rest I have reviewed <a href="http://make.wordpress.org/support/user-manual/">http://make.wordpress.org/support/user-manual/</a>. Its very good, it just needs IMHO the requirements above, most importantly procedural sections and video. <br>
<br>Over and out,<br><br>marc<br><br>