One of my goals this year with the Codex is to address the issue of too many businesses, schools, associations, and groups writing their own "WordPress Guides" for using WordPress. We now have excellent connections with support within WordPress core, Learn WordPress, and WordPress Lessons to help with a lot of the basics for using WordPress and I'd like to take this a step further in the Codex. I want people to NOT have to write inhouse guides except for guidelines specific to their special needs. NASA even has one. SIGH.<br>
<br>1. Create a review list of the public guides online (good and bad) with comments.<br><br>2. Create a layout of the steps needed and linked to Codex and Learn articles/videos already available. <br><br>3. Proposals on how to fill in the gaps and create a TOC guide or step-by-step process to help those needing such guides within the Codex and help the Learn team find gaps.<br>
<br>4. Create a "form" on the Codex for groups to build upon for creating their own inhouse guide. <br><br>This should help us really identify the gaps we have in documentation. It will also help all the documentation projects around WordPress without stepping on toes, I hope. <br>
<br>Want to join the process? <br><br>Thanks!<br><br>Lorelle<br>