I thought someone had put together a comparison chart of the various versions of WordPress on the Codex but I can't find it. With the search now changed to include non-Codex stuff when searching the Codex, which I understand just makes it harder to find stuff, I can't find it and I was sure we talked about it. <br>
<br>In case we didn't or there isn't one, we need a feature comparison chart to help people know what version of WordPress does what. <br><br>Here is one for Blogger and WordPress.com which highlights some features I hadn't thought of, which would be good for showing what is available on WordPress.com, WordPress, and WordPress MS. <br>
<br><a href="http://pulsed.blogspot.com/2007/07/blogger-wordpress-chart.html">http://pulsed.blogspot.com/2007/07/blogger-wordpress-chart.html</a> - They've kept it updated to 2011.<br><br>I think such an addition to the Codex would be important to help people decide which version to choose. <br>