[wp-docs] Extremelyu Poor Forum Support

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Sun Oct 30 22:21:20 GMT 2005

Aaron Brazell wrote:
> Mainly because I know how forum moderation goes. I did it for two years for
> a big one.  I also know it takes diplomacy at times and to pick your fights
> to make it worth it.  I think this was not one of those cases and it cast a
> bad light on WordPress.  There's bigger fish to fry than me throwing an "oh
> by the way" comment.  They can take a zero-tolerance approach without
> killing everyone in the path.  You know? I reckon that's my biggest
> frustration with this.  I don't have any issue with a zero-toerance rule but
> don't destroy the participants in the process.

There's little more to be gained by continuing this conversation.

Aaron needn't have reacted as hotly as he did to Moshu's comment.  It's 
unfortunate that he misunderstood Moshu's posting.  We don't need to 
rake him over the coals for that.

The participants here needn't have been as hostile as they were to 
Aaron.  It's a pity that Robert Deaton sent the email he did.  It's 
comments like that his "your say is not going to hold nearly as much 
merit" that really stifle new participation by creating an "old boy's 
club" attitude.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

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