[spam-stopper] Spike in wordpress "compliment" spam.

mike waggoner mike at herebox.org
Thu Apr 26 16:23:19 UTC 2007

I am experiencing the largest spike in uncaught spam since installing
askimet long ago.  The rate has now reached 250+ / day and rising.  As
this is unprecedented in my experience with the plugin, I thought it
worth a note...

Askimet 2.0
Wordpress 2.1

Spam description:

Name: Anonymous

Emails: random(?) strings @ 10 or so differnet domain names.
l3lw at rocketmail.com
vphm at bigfoot.com
uiry80ipbxfr0 at home.com
c9c0d702 at mail.me

IP: plenty of repetition, but plenty of unique.

Compliments, 100s of them..  I'm unsure what the goal is with these..
Lots of repetition.

"Hello, I just wanted to say you have a very informative site which
really made me think, Thanks ! A site with a wealth of info.!…thanks
very much! Have a nice Day!!"

"It's a great website of yours. I surfed by and found it very
informative. Bookmarked and check you back in a while"

"I like the way you set up that your info is the homepage, nicely done. Thanks!"

"This site is put together well!"

"SarahBell ( ) wrote:"

"I enjoyed this site very much and have taken away a better insight. I
will recommend this site to everyone I know. More people should step
into ."

etc. etc.

Best --

-Mike Waggoner

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