[spam-stopper] Testing Akismet

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Fri Dec 23 18:24:56 UTC 2005

Fuzzyman wrote:
> When I enter posts with the name 'viagra-test-123' - they are marked as
> ham, not spam. Can you confirm whether this *is working* (and therefore
> there is a bug in my code), or if it is currently not working ? If it
> *isn't* working - can you switch it back on please, as it was very useful.

I'll look at this again over the weekend, it seems like the system 
unlearned that as not being spammy based on the content it was getting. 
There are so many levels and tests it obviously gets complicated at some 
levels. :)

"Good morning, Dave."

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | http://akismet.com

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