[HyperDB] Requst that Install the HyperDb

윤성운 ynebula at wikisoft.co.kr
Wed Nov 5 01:02:01 GMT 2008

Hello Man

Above all Nice to meet you

Your Email receive well

> But I don't know number 4( 4. Edit the db settings according to the
> directions in that file.)
What specific things don't you understand?
Have you got WordPress working _without_ HyperDB before, or are you
completely new to setting up WordPress?

I have WordPress working without HyperDb

And I Upload the db-sttings.php in the directory that holds `wp-config.php`

And upload `db.php` to the `/wp-content/` directory.

But I don't know Edit the db settings.(Number4)

define( 'DATACENTER', 'global' );
if ( !defined('SAVEQUERIES') )
 define('SAVEQUERIES', false);

function localize_hostname($hostname) {
 return str_replace('.com', '.lan', $hostname);
function localize_hostnames($array) {
 return array_map('localize_hostname', $array);

function add_db_server($ds, $part, $dc, $read, $write, $host, $lhost, $name,
$user, $password) {
 global $db_servers;
 if ( empty( $lhost ) )
  $lhost = $host;
 $server = compact('ds', 'part', 'dc', 'read', 'write', 'host', 'lhost',
'name', 'user', 'password');
 $db_servers[$ds][$part][] = $server;

function add_db_table($ds, $table) {
 global $db_tables;
 $db_tables[$table] = $ds;

I wonder what I update that

I wait your email Thank you

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