[glotpress-updates] [GlotPress] #308: average reduce your risk

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Fri May 2 06:52:39 UTC 2014

#308: average reduce your risk
 Reporter:  kovachpeggy    |      Owner:
     Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:  Future Release
Component:  Accessibility  |    Version:  0.1
 Keywords:  needs-testing  |
 Something in their ability other stress response to changing actually
 means they're not very effective adopting and Anna pretty much tells you
 that if you know if you want to be high res ponder than you probably have
 to change appearance wisely or as you would say that way around okay last
 couple slights nice just summary of what of try to convention about today
 a lifestyle program will on average reduce your risk of developing type 2
 diabetes sewers as a public health message given that we have no other
 alternative we have to tell everyone but this is the way to go but if you
 look at the details and if you ask as an individual will this work for me
 there is no guarantee [http://safercolonreal.com/ Safer Colon] I'm second
 major point as the calmly as things stand we don't really know whether
 exercise training alone on its own which is heart disease or in China am
 Hill impact a mess factors ill imp action symptoms once you have these
 disease diseases but will it prevent you your chances of having them we
 don't know I'm I think the third one for me is particularly important one
 that we're spending a lot of time energy focusing on so if you have a
 response terror frail health such as elevated blood pressure you cannot be
 sure the exercise will actually help you 20 per cent won't get any benefit
 12 percent watch the game force potentially worse and so what we really
 need their as a diagnostic we need to be able to see yes seventy percent
 of you go an exercise no more excuses 50 percent going to give you better
 talk monitoring better.

Ticket URL: <https://glotpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/308>
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