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<title>[BuddyPress][4587] trunk/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php: Rename bp_core_get_site_options() to bp_core_get_root_options() and fix issue where moved site settings would not completely migrate, causing migration to run on each page load.</title>
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<div id="msg">
<dl class="meta">
<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>4587</dd>
<dt>Author</dt> <dd>johnjamesjacoby</dd>
<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2011-07-04 05:56:31 +0000 (Mon, 04 Jul 2011)</dd>
<h3>Log Message</h3>
<pre>Rename bp_core_get_site_options() to bp_core_get_root_options() and fix issue where moved site settings would not completely migrate, causing migration to run on each page load. Fixes #3307. See #3313 and r4585.</pre>
<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
<li><a href="#trunkbpcorebpcorefunctionsphp">trunk/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php</a></li>
<div id="patch">
<a id="trunkbpcorebpcorefunctionsphp"></a>
<div class="modfile"><h4>Modified: trunk/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php (4586 => 4587)</h4>
<pre class="diff"><span>
<span class="info">--- trunk/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php        2011-07-04 05:37:22 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ trunk/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php        2011-07-04 05:56:31 UTC (rev 4587)
</span><span class="lines">@@ -969,106 +969,86 @@
</span><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> /**
</span><del>- * BuddyPress uses site options to store configuration settings. Many of these settings are needed
- * at run time. Instead of fetching them all and adding many initial queries to each page load, let's fetch
- * them all in one go.
</del><ins>+ * BuddyPress uses common options to store configuration settings. Many of these
+ * settings are needed at run time. Instead of fetching them all and adding many
+ * initial queries to each page load, let's fetch them all in one go.
</ins><span class="cx"> *
</span><span class="cx"> * @package BuddyPress Core
</span><ins>+ * @todo Use settings API and audit these methods
</ins><span class="cx"> */
</span><del>-function bp_core_get_site_options() {
-        global $bp, $wpdb;
</del><ins>+function bp_core_get_root_options() {
+ global $wpdb;
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        // These options come from the options table
-        $site_options = apply_filters( 'bp_core_site_options', array(
-                'bp-deactivated-components',
-                'bp-blogs-first-install',
-                'bp-disable-blog-forum-comments',
-                'bp-xprofile-base-group-name',
-                'bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name',
-                'bp-disable-profile-sync',
-                'bp-disable-avatar-uploads',
-                'bp-disable-account-deletion',
-                'bp-disable-forum-directory',
-                'bp-disable-blogforum-comments',
-                'bb-config-location',
-                'hide-loggedout-adminbar',
</del><ins>+ // These options come from the root blog options table
+ $root_blog_options = apply_filters( 'bp_core_site_options', array(
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-                // Useful WordPress settings used often
-                'tags_blog_id',
-                'registration',
-                'fileupload_maxk'
-        ) );
</del><ins>+ // BuddyPress core settings
+ 'bp-deactivated-components' => serialize( array( ) ),
+ 'bp-blogs-first-install' => '0',
+ 'bp-disable-blog-forum-comments' => '0',
+ 'bp-xprofile-base-group-name' => 'Base',
+ 'bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name' => 'Name',
+ 'bp-disable-profile-sync' => '0',
+ 'bp-disable-avatar-uploads' => '0',
+ 'bp-disable-account-deletion' => '0',
+ 'bp-disable-forum-directory' => '0',
+ 'bp-disable-blogforum-comments' => '0',
+ 'bb-config-location' => ABSPATH,
+ 'hide-loggedout-adminbar' => '0',
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        // These options always come from the options table of BP_ROOT_BLOG
-        $root_blog_options = apply_filters( 'bp_core_root_blog_options', array(
-                'avatar_default'
-        ) );
</del><ins>+ // Useful WordPress settings
+ 'tags_blog_id' => '0',
+ 'registration' => '0',
+ 'fileupload_maxk' => '1500',
+ 'avatar_default' => 'mysteryman'
+ ) );
+ $root_blog_option_keys = array_keys( $root_blog_options );
+ $blog_options_keys = implode( "', '", (array) $root_blog_option_keys );
+ $blog_options_query = sprintf( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN ('%s')", $blog_options_keys );
+ $root_blog_options_meta = $wpdb->get_results( $blog_options_query );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        $meta_keys = "'" . implode( "','", (array)$site_options ) ."'";
</del><ins>+ // Missing some options, so do some one-time fixing
+ if ( empty( $root_blog_options_meta ) || ( count( $root_blog_options_meta ) < count( $root_blog_option_keys ) ) ) {
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        $site_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN ({$meta_keys})" );
-        // Backward compatibility - moves sitemeta to the blog
-        if ( empty( $site_meta ) || ( count( $site_meta ) < count( $site_options ) ) ) {
-                if ( is_multisite() ) {
-                        $ms_site_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT meta_key AS name, meta_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} WHERE meta_key IN ({$meta_keys}) AND site_id = {$wpdb->siteid}" );
-                } else {
-                        $ms_site_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN ({$meta_keys})" );
-                }
-                $settings_to_move = array(
-                        'bp-deactivated-components',
-                        'bp-blogs-first-install',
-                        'bp-disable-blog-forum-comments',
-                        'bp-xprofile-base-group-name',
-                        'bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name',
-                        'bp-disable-profile-sync',
-                        'bp-disable-avatar-uploads',
-                        'bp-disable-account-deletion',
-                        'bp-disable-forum-directory',
-                        'bp-disable-blogforum-comments',
-                        'bb-config-location',
-                        'hide-loggedout-adminbar',
-                );
-                foreach( (array)$ms_site_meta as $meta ) {        
-                        if ( isset( $meta->name ) && in_array( $meta->name, $settings_to_move ) ) {
-                                bp_update_option( $meta->name, $meta->value );
-                                if ( empty( $site_meta[$meta->name] ) ) {
-                                        $site_meta[$meta->name] = $meta->value;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        // Some WP settings are always in sitemeta
-        if ( is_multisite() ) {
-                $sitewide_option_keys = apply_filters( 'bp_core_sitewide_site_options', array(
-                        'tags_blog_id',
-                        'registration',
-                        'fileupload_maxk'
-                ) );
-                $sitewide_options_keys_cs = "'" . implode( "','", (array)$sitewide_option_keys ) ."'";
-                $network_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT meta_key AS name, meta_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} WHERE meta_key IN ({$sitewide_options_keys_cs}) AND site_id = {$wpdb->siteid}" );
-        }
</del><ins>+ // Unset the query - We'll be resetting it soon
+ unset( $root_blog_options_meta );
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        $root_blog_meta_keys = "'" . implode( "','", (array)$root_blog_options ) ."'";
-        $root_blog_meta_table = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( BP_ROOT_BLOG ) . 'options';
-        $root_blog_meta = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$root_blog_meta_table} WHERE option_name IN ({$root_blog_meta_keys})" ) );
-        $site_options = array();
</del><ins>+ // Loop through options
+ foreach ( $root_blog_options as $old_meta_key => $old_meta_default ) {
</ins><span class="cx">
</span><del>-        foreach( array( $site_meta, $root_blog_meta, $network_meta ) as $meta ) {
-                if ( !empty( $meta ) ) {
-                        foreach( (array)$meta as $meta_item ) {
-                                if ( isset( $meta_item->name ) )
-                                        $site_options[$meta_item->name] = $meta_item->value;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        return apply_filters( 'bp_core_get_site_options', $site_options );
</del><ins>+ // Clear out the value from the last time around
+ unset( $old_meta_value );
+ // Get old site option
+ if ( is_multisite() )
+ $old_meta_value = get_site_option( $old_meta_key );
+ // No site option so look in root blog
+ if ( empty( $old_meta_value ) )
+ $old_meta_value = bp_get_option( $old_meta_key, $old_meta_default );
+ // Update the root blog option
+ bp_update_option( $old_meta_key, $old_meta_value );
+ // Update the global array
+ $root_blog_options_meta[$old_meta_key] = $old_meta_value;
+ }
+ // We're all matched up
+ } else {
+ // Loop through our results and make them usable
+ foreach ( $root_blog_options_meta as $root_blog_option )
+ $root_blog_options[$root_blog_option->name] = $root_blog_option->value;
+ // Copy the options no the return val
+ $root_blog_options_meta = $root_blog_options;
+ // Clean up our temporary copy
+ unset( $root_blog_options );
+ }
+ return apply_filters( 'bp_core_get_root_options', $root_blog_options_meta );
</ins><span class="cx"> }
</span><span class="cx">
</span><span class="cx"> /**